
First off, WHO is RCates? And what hell are you talking about with the Girls team or whatever.
I have no idea where you are going with your crap!
You make no sense and have no idea of the issue.

Ok, whether anyone should think he should be aloud or not, the skinny is just as Lower state stated!

Nathan had the availability to go to a private school entering his 9th grade. I am not sure where the REPORTER got that he went there to better his grades. He was doing fine and how hard is 8th grade anyways.
The issue was the Private school and the workload, difference in class study and overall dynamics of the situation. He did not do very well with his studies and therefore could not and was not eligible for sports.
He then went back to public school and repeated his 9th grade and played soccer.
His grades are fine; he has a 3.25 GPA since being at NW. He is battling a 1.14 from the experience at the private school.

WHAT the ISSUE is that he had a chance at a private school (which is not influenced or govern by the state athletics board) and just did not fair to well which is NOW penalizing him to be able to play a 4th year of soccer.
He is 18, not 19 not 25.... There is no U-19 team local here that he could get onto last year.

He is just looking to play 4 years of HS soccer.

I agree, it’s a no brainer that Club soccer is where the coaches go, but if they know about him from last year and want to see him this year, and there isn't a club team to play for, the high school team is the next best thing.

Besides, do not insult me with any of your comments about not being a big deal unless you were in his shoes, his life, and have his goals at stake...
There ARE 3 D1 coaches interested in seeing him play this year. They did not get a chance last year and this is a very good time to follow him...

Hey, it’s easy to forecast and pass your judgment; everyone’s a pro on this board in doing so...

When it’s you, or you’re in the shoes it’s a little different...