You just don't get it! There has not been one good thing said about the Spalding balls from previous years. The HSL and Spalding need to take into account that Spalding does not manufacture nor focus on soccer equipment for upper level play. That said , accomodations need to be made. Great they are the official sponsor, put the banner up, announce that on the PA, put it in the program, whatever...they will get their proper respect and will be duely noted, thank you Spalding for supporting the HSL. Now come this weekend, if the ball is able to hold up to the level of play and not dictate how anyone plays the ball, then I will say "Great job Spalding" But when players feel trapped and limited as to what they can do when they have the ball becuase it is a poor one, then yes complaints will be made. You can sit back and put up with it, but some will not, especially when a better ball can be found in any teams bag. I am just saying that contracts can be made with exceptions and that changes can be made. But nothing changes until voices are heard!