Originally posted by futbol09:
Alex thats why your guy tackled our guy! cause he made him look stupid i guess cause he had no reason to hit our guy but he got what he deserved! i dont play for hartsville i was just there watching the games. the refs were horrible. i think one of the refs glasses were all fogged up so i guess thats why he didn't call any fouls! and how can you tell me that hartsville started fouling! dude i had a better and clear view over you. your guy #7 was fouling our guy in the back! dude you didn't see anything then! adrian was being fouled a lot by your mids the entire time he got the ball.

He didn't tackle him because he made him look stupid, he tackled him because he got backhanded in the face (and started bleeding in the mouth because of it).

Yep, #7 fouls alot, but he was on the other side of the field, so it didn't matter.

There was just as much fouling on each side of the ball. Our midfielders kept complaining about being clipped and pushed from behind by #10 on your team (which I'm guessing is adrian).

But I agree, the refs were horrible. They didn't have any control of the game from the start. It amazed me that at the end they blamed our coach for the fight.