Dutch Fork 0-0 Irmo (DF 6-5 in pks in 7 kicks)

shots 8-8
Irmo started strong, but it evened out during the first half. Goulet had a breakaway but slowed down and was stopped by an Irmo defender. Second half started even but the last 10-20 minutes was all Irmo. Alex Acree hit post in the last 10 minutes to wrap up the near scoring opportunities. Dutch Fork scored earlier in the half but the goal was called back as the referee determined Irmo's keeper had possesion of the ball prior to it being knocked loose. After that the intensity of both teams picked up and both played their hearts out. As I stated, in the last 10ish minutes DF settled into a kickball style and Irmo couldn't create a good opportunity other than the post shot by Acree. In the pks, DF missed their first wide and everyone made theirs until the 4th kick which Irmo hit wide, then a freshman stepped up and missed the 7th kick to give DF the game.