Originally posted by allball:
First of all I have no problem with the Summerville players accept for #4 because spitting on someone is a little bit!$ move. Hilton Head dominated the game and scored the game's only GOAL. Summerville was awarded a pk with less then 1 minute of regulation. It was a certain flop and a early Christmas gift. The fans know it, the players know it, and the coaches know it. I guess that's how it goes with refs on the road but that was a load of crap and ya'll know who played better. Your own announcer after the game told me the pk was bs and that we outplayed ya'll. Good luck the rest of the season but I don't see us losing the region.

dude dont make excuses for your loss. take it like a man and move on. you look like an idiot complaining like that. Everyone else who is still talking crap after losing needs to chill. you lost get over it. dont make excuses, maybe there were bad calls, but that's what happens in soccer. it's not just ya'll everyone has bad refs sometimes. GET OVER IT.