I think the ref displays his obvious bias in his missive. He should look at the game film along with his assigner. Why would you give a yellow card for PI if no foul occured. I have watched Carlos play many times. He does not attack players with his elbows. He gets fouled way more than he fouls. He is an aggressive, dangerous player that most defenders can't deal with "straight up'. He is theatrical to be sure. Most of the time the ref whistled him for beating his opponent. I never felt the game was getting out of hand. The kids played great soccer. Carlos did NOT complain for the obvious bogus yellow he got in the first half. He did NOT elbow his opponent after the whistle blew. I admit my bias, but for ref to say that he had no knowledge of the players or agenda prior to the game is preposterous. While it may be useful to know there was a fight two years ago, the best way to ref is manage play as you see it. Reputations aren't always deserved. Get close to the action and call a fair game. I doubt you could find one person who saw the game from either side that would say ref called a good game. I know game film was taken. It should be watched and reviewed.