Well..day one of the PLC playoff hunt for the cup has officially come to a close. These are the match recaps as they have been reported to me from around the state.

First Division:

L-E Dude enjoyed the first round action from the affluent splendor of his 6th floor penthouse suite. The original posting legend will get some much needed R&R before his 2nd round appearance on the 4th.

Despite a clear advantage in PPDP and general posting aptitude Women's forum juggernaut lapflaglasaurus was upset by shut^&play. While lagplaf sported nearly 1000 more posts than his opponent.. shut^&play's 1337 street skillz and posting efficiency were able to put him ahead and sneak away with the victory.

In yet another upset..experience pays off over brute force. While CornerFlag attempted to bombarde LF with a slew of insults and occasional substance..LF was able to weather the storm and pull off the upset for the Women's forum contingent. LF was quoted after the match as saying "I just wanted to come out and give 110%. I played good. He played good. I just wanted to give a 110%. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." . . .

Facing LF in the next round will be kickman. Simply enough..Chapindad failed to show-up for the match today. Sources report that Chapindad may be participating in a foreversoccer.com poster's championship..featuring Chapindad vs Chapindad.

Though WhatDoesItMatter put up a valiant effort..tonight The One and Only/Soccerboy began his march towards a 2nd PLC championship. WMD is to be commended for his effort..also..there is some speculation that Dennis Cook may have posted under the reigning champion's username. A thorough investigation has been launched..and an investigation of that investigation has also been launched for good measure.

The Hammer vs the voice of reason was a classic battle for sure. And in true PLC fashion..the outcome was decided by a completely arbitrary and asinine factor. Yes, the battle of the THE's was determined by the number of words in each opponent's handle. the voice of reason won't be the one and only poster with a four word handle when he faces The One and Only in the next round.

With only his sister-in-law and twin brother present, BDad11 defeated Lowerstate4A in a match that frankly..no one cared about. Lowerstate4A just couldn't keep up with Big Daddy (who really wasn't that impressive) ..Lowerstate4A had just beat himself up so much in preparation for the PLC..what a shame..

Rounding out First Division action futbol(soccer) advanced past irmo4now. After the game the defeated Irmonite was quoted as saying, "..maybe ..uh.. irmo4nextyear!" when asked about rumors he'd change his username in the off season. Say it ain't so Schmo!

Second Division:

What was expected to be a quality match between Soccer Watcher and Cola Fan sadly did not live up to the billing. Cola Fan along with the officials and crowd waited over a hour and forty-five minutes only to find out that Soccer Watcher was out cold at the Tree Lions Pub after watching a re-run of Chelsea/ManU.

In the battle of the How-the-hell-did-they-get-here's scskeeper moved past aleksandrus11. The two minors battled back and forth relentlessly till nearly a minute was left in stoppage time. Then in a stroke of pure genius..or utter and literal confusion/stupidity.. scskeeper asked aleksandrus11 where he got his Spaulding knee-high/ankle protector shinguards. Last I heard aleksandrus11 was recovering from a ruptured vessel in his brain.

Due to the structure of the PLC..tonight cap'n walt made his first starting appearance ever..in anything..against seasoned imbecile Shearer. As was the case last year.. Shearer attempted to confuse his opponent with an onslaught of mindless drivel and babble. However, old T-walt being an avid fan of bad music/OAR was able to thwart Shearer's efforts and record his first victory ever..in anything. When asked how he felt about the accomplishment after the match..cap'n walt said, "So.. does this mean I get to play next time?!"

Sadly.. benp advances tonight past Wayne. Sources report that Wayne's Sicilian connection may have had confused the translation of his hit order. The Broad River is being dredged as we speak. My thoughts are with Wayne's family, the DF faithful, ..and Kipp Amaker too ..i suppose. This means a battle of the Ben Lippen bench stars in the next round. Best of luck to the both of you!

Hurst66 limps away from the pitch tonight with a victory over veteran Anthony Pelton. Pelton pounded away at Hurst IN ALL CAPS from start to finish..but Hurst persevered as Pelton succumed to his own strategy and had to leave the field of competition.

In final action from the first round of the 2nd annual PLC playoff..2004Striker thoroughly annihilated Talon in what many considered to be an evenly matched pair. Talon had a decided edge in experience..but the Stroke's persistance caused Talon to fold under the pressure.

Lastly.. sitting pretty and safe at the far end of the bracket is Whiskey & Easy..who by some anomaly of bracketology (that I can't figure out) will not face anyone until the Quarterfinals. So it goes.

For those that can't read/2004Striker, ChuckNorris, & Shearer: