As a preface to tonight's PLC results..I would like to take this opportunity to say:

Irmo lost to Wando tonight 4-1. I repeat, 4-1.

That being said..

First Division

For the 2nd year in a row PLC founder and legend, known by commoners as "L-E Dude" failed to reach the podium. In triumphant fashion shut^&play beat L-E Dude at his own game. Utilizing a combination of rapier whit, ironclad factual information, and first hand impeccable synopses..shut^&play battled to a split decision victory over a poster who transcends the spacial plain between reality and posting perfection.

Facing shut^&play in the PLC First Division Semifinals will be the obscure but dilligent LF. The match between kickman was well played by both sides, indeed. LF set the tone, but kickman didn't miss a beat and contested LF's every move. However, in the end after regulation and 2 OT periods the match was decided by a sudden death True/False question. Surely LF being a true Lex fan knew that the original mascot for LHS was indeed "The Mighty Mongoose"

On the other side of the First Division, in a long username derby the PLC's defending champion The One and Only took on veteran grammar nazi the voice of reason. The first half was relatively uneventful with play being pretty much even and no real advantage either way. But just as the 2nd half was set to begin..The Only and Only got word of Irmo's 4-1 loss to Wando..and abruptly ran to a local crop circle. Investigator's report is still pending..but it appears all across the state there have been mass suicides and ritual sacrifice of Irmo alumni.

The final representative of the First Division will be none other than futbol(soccer).. it has been reported to me that futbol(soccer) put the match on ice when he revealed to BDad11 that "futbol" is indeed "soccer" in Espanol.

Second Division

In the spirit of the Blue Devils long time Midlands representative Cola Fan took scskeeper to the woodshed tonight. scskeeper was quoted saying, "COLA FAN WAS TOKNG ABOUT FORMATIONS AND STUF!1!1!!11 WTF I WANT MAH MOMY1!11 WTF" - PLC officials are still trying to decipher what exactly was said.

Meeting Cola Fan in perhaps the upset of the decade will be old goofy cap'n walt! On a day that will go down in INFAMY cap'n walt revealed that all this time he has been luring us into a false sense of security. As benp was approaching the scorer's table to claim what he felt was a sure victory..T-walt hit benp with a barrage of socio-economic soccer specific logistical theories. When the dust settled the infamous benp was infamously out cold while cap'n walt had already left to prepare for his match with Cola Fan.

In final action of the night 2004Striker (affectionately known as "Stroke") cruised past an unsuspecting Hurst66. Good ole Stroke dug deep down to muster yet another shining performance, while Hurst66 was expecting Stroke to fade away into oblivion like most others in the Flora community. Perhaps there is one last chance at glory for the Region 5 wanna-be Flora contingent.

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