This just in:
Benp and Cap'n Walt agreed to a rematch of their round tonight by way of a boxing match out at the Gainey's property in "the middle of nowhere" South Carolina. The rules were simple. 1 and a half minute rounds (until submittion), mouth peices head gear and gloves worn at all times, and no hitting below the belt.

Round 1. The Cap came out firing hoping to catch the much smaller Benp off guard. After a few bruisers, he soon tired out and was susceptible to a few head shots thrown by the Infamous himself. This round went fast, and they quickly found themselves back in their corners with their coaches (Cap'n with BL's sweeper, and Benp with Falconstriker#20)

Round 2. Cap'n Walt again decided to throw his stregnth into the first few blows. I don't really remember much after that...

Round 3. Cap'n Walt was obviously tired, and tried to take numerous breaks throughout the minute and a half, and paid for it through some of the hardest shots Benp's 5'5 frame could muster. Mr. Walter through in the towel directly after this round, and thus gave up on his claim that he "truly won the original match with style.