
Bizarre halftime where all 4 IRMO coaches disputed the 2nd goal with referee staff and then some wizard of an IRMO parent went out onto the field and confronted the refs. .[/QB]

i really would like to know how you know that was an irmo parent.. i talked to a few irmo parents and we couldnt identify the man.. and how do you know he was disputing the 2nd goal?? did you talk to him or the refs??

maybe you thought to yourself that the 2nd goal was questionable and that could be the only thing that guy would go on the field for.. because the 2nd goal was in my mind controversial, and was a large momentum swing in the game.. not to take anything away from wando. wando played a well hard fought game and deserved to win.. they put the goals away when they needed to.

btw irmo's only goal by jugal, was so so nasty. literally danced around 5 players and put it in the net.. awesome goal, and good game.