Originally posted by the voice of reason:
Michael Pao and Jeremiah Tao lead the dominate Riverside teams of the late 80s and early 90s. Michael went on to play at Duke and Jeremiah went to Vanderbilt.

Actually Michael went to Vandy and Jeremiah went to Duke. After college Michael Pao went to Japan and played professional soccer for many years which proves how amazing he was at soccer.

As for Tomek he is certainly the best all around player I've ever seen. He probably just played midfield instead of forward for CC because he could be more involved in the game and still score goals at will. I've played against him three times. The first time off a free kick he rips one upper ninety from about 35 out. The second time he gets a touch from his teammate off a freekick from the 18 and he hits a laser that goes right inside the post middle way up. The third time he hits a rip from about 10 yards in our half that had some of the sickest movement in the world, like a knuckle ball. It goes far post side net not quite upper ninety. It is ridiculous what he can do with his freekicks or his shots in general.