Back in the mid 80's there was this little known player out there. I would describe him as the best player in SC history that you've never heard of.

Haywood Jablomie - From the great parish of Pelion, SC.

Scored 27 goals in one game at PHS including as what one mullet backed fan would call "the greatest darn goal i ever did see". At one point Haywood toed the ball down the field and simultaneously lept a baby calf who had wandered onto the illustrious playing surface a PHS. He then side stepped a rabid dog who had gotten loose from his pen that sat adjacent to the trailer/mobile home (which ever you prefer) that resided near the home side of the bench. After all this Haywood gracefully stung the ball into the back of the net as the other team looked on in awe. Of course all of this was never reported nor did it make it out of the local Pelion media (save for Pelion soccer's own SID department) because the Pelion authorities realized the jokes abound observed by many when word got out that the PHS soccer team was comprised of 18 "inter-related cousins" stemming from the same gene cesspool the longtime "runners" of Pelion, the Jablomie's.