good game by both teams. i agree that the game was poorly officiated, but it was not onsided by any means. i watched the game from unbiased point of view and there were many times where i thought the game got out of hand. i do agree that korea should have given out a card for dissent earlier. he let bc run their mouth for most of the game. you can't forget the phantom throw-in call in ot. the ball goes out on a questionable call. neither the linesman or center ref make a signal. both players reach for the ball, the dreher players ends up with it and throws it in to carl who sets up a goal within 4 touches. i know that the center ref doesn't need to blow his whistle everytime a ball goes out, but he needs to make some kind of motion in order to direct the teams. i haven't been impressed with korea at all this year. not a very good referee in my opinion. shouldn't have been given this game.