dreherheckler sounds like a sore winner beotch to me! From all accounts on this board, the people who count(the players on the field) showed total class in a classic match that not only pitted long time rivals, but region rivals in a lower state championship match! Congratulations to a great group of kids who left everything on the field, not letting emotions overcome the desire to be great athletes and even more important, great sportsmen! It is always good to hear that in todays world of spoiled, over-payed athletes that two great teams can step on the field and battle without the smudges of cheap shots, trash talk and fights being used as a counter to great play. Congrats to the B-C team that has shown once again that they will take on any and all, they will play with the best, not shying away and not giving in. Those boys don't know the meaning of quit, and sure as hell have never heard of "can't", they will go far in life! Also, congrats to Dreher on a fine season, another group of kids that refuse to go down, Good luck to you guys on Saturday!