People need to ignore dreherheckler idiot and quit giving him the attention he desperately wants but doesn't deserve. This was a great game played by 2 passionate teams. The players played a hard, aggressive but RESPECTFUL game - no cheap fouls, no cheap shots. The officiating was horrible both ways, but BC may have gotten the worst of it. But that didn't cost them the game. Most championship teams will admit it takes a little luck to win as well. With 2 teams as evenly matched as BC and Dreher, sometimes it does come down to luck. Dreher had BC's number this year and luck was a factor. That takes nothing away from Dreher and their incredible team and talent. BC had HORRIBLE luck and still almost overcame it.

As far as idiot's complaining about trash talking from BC players and fans, look in the mirror - it happens EVERYWHERE!! Some places may have more than others, but you find it everywhere. Fans hear and see what they want to hear and see. No one can hear and see it all. I know coaches in several sports at Dreher, BC, and several other schools around the state - there are always a few athletes and fans that run their mouth or get a bad reputation. That does not take away from the rest of the athletes that are playing hard. I'm done wasting my time on that wingnut dreherheckler.