If you think those celebrations were excessive..then you're watching the wrong sport buddy. This isn't golf man..this is soccer..this is futbol. It's excessive when players are taunting..or fans are burning down the town. Jumping around and just going nuts isn't excessive.. get over it.

Dreherguy- You need to make up your mind..whether you're going to try to be a voice for your school..or just be a heckler/hooligan. Nobody cares about your altercation outside the game..or who told you to leave..or what someone said to you..or what you said to a player.

Try a little perspective..think about that next time you post about a match.

I'm all for spirited support of your team..diehard fans..etc.. I really do envy the support Dreher (and BC) had last night..it's GREAT! ..but don't mess it up with all this extra BS.

Now that I'm done with the lecture..i'm hoping to make it out for at least some of the 3A match..and i'll be pulling for Dreher all the way! I want to see a crowd twice as big this time.. the entire Midlands should get behind these guys ..it's about damn time the Lowerstate brought one home!