dreherheckler, your comments about our fans encouraged me to register on this website so I could reply. Like others have pointed out, this is a heated rivalry and Dreher has had the best of it for a couple of years. I'll agree that some of our fans probably did not represent our school in a manner we would like after the game. What I haven't heard anyone mention was what happened before the game.

Someone pointed out to the Dreher guy with a drum that he was banging away during the National Anthem and should stop. Apparently he and/or some other Dreher fans (I assume students)took issue with it and started mouthing off (which could have led to something). I also want to point out the students in the stands chanting "River Rats" and "Trailer Trash" toward our fans and team. I didn't hear our students chanting "Lint Heads"....

The point is, you can find classless fans at any school, so to pick out some that happens to be a big rival, is crazy. The atmosphere was electric that night and Dreher was fortuate to win, like the other two games. That's not to say that Dreher wasn't the best team on the field, because they were. Despite all the bizarre stuff that happened in regulation, Dreher won the OT outright and should win on Saturday.

I have been pleased with the respect the BC coaches and players have been receiving from others, and the most part, you too dreherheckler. They didn't come from an area rich with soccer facilities like other areas. Coach Heise and his coaches have done a remarkable job of building a soccer tradition out of nothing. Now if we can get the referees to stop holding grudges........