I believe that overtime should be used with any tie cuz it kind of finishes the game. Whether it be an upset by the underdogs or just another close-call for a ranked team. It shows how teams finish and their devotion to finish the game on a good note (mainly in overtime). But I can see how it can harm teams with pk's: like if one team has an awesome defense (but a poor goalie) and the other a good offense and the score is held down to a tie (for instance 1-1 or something), if pk's are the result then the offensive team has the main advantage since the only defensive skill is involved are with a goalie and the awesome defense can only watch and cheer on their team. But in every game there are advantages and disadvantages. But the catch is all soccer games are about advantages and how a team uses them to do their best. So all in all...whether overtime or pk's occur, they are for the best and some of the time help the deserving team win.

Once again, this is my opinion so if you don't like it, then ignore it.