My question would then be,why is it not the same advantage for football and basketball at these schools?

My point is,it is more about location and the access to quality club play and or individual coaching as in tennis or golf.Again, we face the same problems in SCISA where the attendance line variable is removed...My school is very affluent in comparison to most schools, but we struggle against schools from Columbia and Charleston in soccer,tennis, and golf...Most of our kids are not commited enough to make the 1 hr drive 3-4 times a week to play for a quality club..If these same kids lived on the edge of either Columbia or Charleston, then I think the scenario would be different..There seems to be 3 variables involved...Attendance lines, affluence, and location i.e. access to quality year round instruction and play.I see the situation in SCISA with the first 2 variables removed and the same problems exist... Again, this is just my opinion and admittedly my frame of reference is different from many of yours..Makes for interesting discussions at any rate...