Ah, the upstate. The Red Headed Stepchild of the 4a high school girl's soccer scene. Mauldin took a major shot on the chin from graduation, but as we say in Anderson "Mauldin is still Mauldin". Look for Spartanburg to make a top 5 finish with Dutch Fork again to astonish all viewers (at least untill playoffs...sorry coach). Greenwood will be entertaining a new coach and could be seen rising to the top 15, probably taking Aiken High's position which was devastated by the much hated "if you have graduated from high school then you cannot come back and play on the high school team" rule. I could go on and on, but as well all know in girl's 4a soccer, the upstate's position in championship game is just a formality. The actual championship can be viewed six times this year in our former capital.