I am sorry that you weren't at the game (I hope to someday meet you) and are going on heresay. Your opinion of Coach Ferguson is also legendary. My opinion of DM is about as high so I will try to avoid derogatory comments about coaching if you will.

Wando substituted heavily the whole game. He was substituting starters out as early as the 1st 5 minute mark in the 1st half. Even the Wando parents that I was sitting near were confused as to why so much substituting was going on. Apparently, Wando took to heart the published comments that JI has a lot of depth and in better shape than most teams and was trying to keep legs fresh for the end of the game. It almost got Wando in trouble at about the 15 minute mark in 2nd half as they were at one point with 4 of their 5 senior starters out of the game at same time - including all of the midfield starters. At this point JI made their most dangerous move at scoring all night.

As to the air horns incident, the middle referee stopped the game at the 2 minute mark ad went to both coaches and wanred them that if "HE" heard an air horn again, he was calling the game. Middle referee instructed both coaches to go their fans and warned them and Stella and Scott came over and warned crowd. One of my Wando students said they saw it amongst the body painted JI students who were crowding the rail.

I personally did not see an air horn and crowd was the loudest I have heard all year with hundreds (maybe a thousand?) of fans and students in attendance. An air horn could be mistaken for a final horn from the clock and cause inadvertant stoppage on the field so I can understand the warning.

It was a great crowd for both sides and mutual respect for both teams was shown by all.

I know R1C would love for us to come out swinging, though I am quite well aware that I stand no chance against you! I look forward to the match of the season next Tuesday at Wildcat field.