Torro, I've read your first post and I'm afraid I'm going to need some help. See, we have this understood policy we try to abide by at all times. When we type, we make sense. I know that may be a strange concept, but you'll get used to it. Although your random pressing of keys is difficult to comprehend, I believe what you are saying is that the sequence of events that led to Jordan's goal are difficult to accept.

What is so difficult to understand? Throw in to head, knocked to another play, trap, shot, score. Perhaps you are emotionally attached to the losing squad and must refer to adolescent methods of bad mouthing to cope with the hurt. Come now, we are bigger than this.

Now, being that we are a kind breed here on the girl's board, allow me to edit your post properly.


"Thinking a little ahead of yourself are ya."

How about "Are you thinking too far ahead of yourself?"


"Guess thats a good thing."

Use the verbs, dear boy. "I guess that is a good thing."


"But with the Summerville game, you make it seam as if the goal was scored beautifuly and tacticaly, oh no maddam."

You know, I don't know where to start on this one. The spelling, the run-on, incomplete clauses, and the punctuation all make me light-headed. I tell you what, why don't you try typing your post on Microsoft word first and then use grammar/spell check? You would be amazed at the complete sentences you can form. Even more rewarding will be the binary conversing you will experience when others can grasp your extraordinary thoughts.

Best of luck with this. I am afraid I need to nap, now. Your pubescent literature has worn me thin.