Yes, there was hand shaking. Most, if not all of the seniors, were very upset, and just sat wherever they were at the end of the game with their heads in their hands. They eventually made their way over and shook hands but it was not in the normal manner (all at once, right after the game) as it took a few minutes for them to make their way, and perhaps not all even made it. I am not sure. I really don't think, nor expect, folks not familiar with the JI program to understand the severity of this loss and what these girls have been through. It was there game to win and was a real heartbreaker. Would rate in my top 2 as a parent of a player. The other being at a regional semi-final in Memphis. I did not witness the rushing out of the lingering players but did see a fight almost break out between a WA fan and a JI fan right after the game so perhaps thats why the JI AD made that choice. As far as the Brother hand signal, no excuse. Bad sportmanship is still bad sportsmanship. Two different situations totally. Go FM!