I don't think any of the WA players felt slighted by the lack of handshakes -- they knew exactly what was happening. Just one guy's opinion. Having an AD send police to make your coach pull you away from your family and friends 20 minutes after a game, walk you back on the field and be herded out the stadium's back door however, was difficult to fathom. If there were rowdy boys, why didn't the two police officers take care of them as necessary? The WA girls were in the middle of their friends and families. Coach McNeely, to his credit, listened politely to the officer then tried to make the case that the girls were doing what had always been done and there was no apparent danger. Then he followed the JI AD's envoy's instructions fully, showing a great deal of poise and respect for authority. Another strange turn in the "Doin' It the Hard WAy Tour '05."
