Chapindad -- Your last comment is why I don't generally respond to parents on this forum because I've often been told that I'm too direct, but, ... in your case.

Yes, this is considered a fundraiser by our athletic department and we are encouraged to host such events (LBI, Palmetto Cup, JV Preseason Tourney). However, those costs that were provided are real costs and have to be covered in order to make any profit.

The t-shirt "requirement" more or less developed about six years ago as a result of the experience of the Palmetto Cup. We would buy 200 t-shirts and have 100+ folks upset that we didn't have more to sell. Now we simply have each team purchase the 18 (as past experience indicates that most like the tourney t-shirt) and buy another 100 or so for general sale. That way we don't get "stuck" with $500 of unused/unsold t-shirts.

As for the Lady Eagles in the Lady Bearcat Invitational, Coach Rosier indicated that he wanted to attend and we welcomed Chapin. If this is not in your (or your daughters' best interest or values) then simply don't attend -- you have that choice.