
Dude chill out. It is ten bucks to help out a fellow soccer program. I bet you are the first to ***** and moan about the boys program at CHS getting better stuff than the girls.Well get your coach to run a "Program" and not a team and you would n't have to pay the $10. I would bet you ***** and moan about title nine. Well here is a chance to help support a local GIRLS soccer program and you complain b/c you have no CHOICE??? Sure you have a choice.....DON'T let your daughter participate in the tourney. That's a choice!! Man I cannot beleive you honestly put this up w/ what people in China deal with. What an arrogant outlook......OH what HAVE to buy a $10 T-shirt....The constitution should be burned for that one.....Here is another choice for ya.....choose to QUIT posting so damn much and work a bit then the $10 wouldn't bother you so much!!!

Cheers mate and you wonder why people dislike girls soccer???