Referees in SC do not get evaluated in High School soccer. That only occurs, occasionally, in USSF. I agree that there should be more evaluation of referees because it can only help the game.

As for the 3-man crew, it is a money issue as well as a numbers (number of referees) issue. The ADs at the High Schools do not want to pay for 3 referees. I think the High School League should step in and do what they did before the 3-man crew became the norm in basketball. If it was a high level game or a really intense match (ie Dutch Fork/Irmo) they would assign a three man crew. They could do that for soccer starting next season. Not every game needs three referees, ie Dutch Fork/Lower Richland. If you want to help with the numbers issue be a referee. You can be part of the problem or part of the solution. Step up and be part of the solution.

Yes many referees need to develop a "deaf ear" when it comes to fans yelling. Yes coaches need to set the example for their players. One year when I was coaching U12 girls I had a parent that was terrible. He yelled about every thing the referee did. The next match I brought him several Blow Pops to put in his mouth, he got the message.