the referees that get the high level games don't really need to be evaluated for high school. When you look at reffing as a "sport." High school isn't competitive. Referees however work hard to earn spots at state cup and regionals, and only the best referees are invited to those as well as high level club tournaments. There are also ranking systems to "move up the totem pole." For high school, however. All the games at the Lake Murray challenge recieved proportional referees for the match. All of the ones there were refs that I remember looking up to when reffing club ball, and all of them were up on the totem pole at least one notch. I don't know about the Viking cup, but I do know that if the reffing wasn't up to par at the LMC, it wasn't because the refs weren't good enough. Maybe, like irmo, some of them just had a bad day.