There is nothing wrong with fans being fans, but it has clearly crossed the line in recent history. Referees are paid to make judgement calls. First, judgement calls are not always easy to make. Second, judgement calls are easy to criticize. If you want to talk about bad referees, we had one ref at the Irmo JV tourney 2 years ago that sat on a cooler and refed part of the game. I asked him if he was okay and he said, "Yeah...been out here all day. Just tired." I was thinking that I thought that he got paid for refing and get off of his butt and do his job. You have to take the good with the bad when it comes to refing. At the same time, no one should be disrespected by being called an idiot or cursed at. There is no call for that. People will always criticize you. How we react to it reveals our character. That is part of reveals your character, not necessarily builds it.