Well, purpleandyellow, while you do make a valid point there are still a few things I don't really agree with.

"The Players Deserve Better" Yeah, there are some bad refs out there (like I said in my last post, it's inevitable) that make bad calls but I wouldn't go as far to say that the players deserve better. Refs call them as they see them. Do you honestly think, with all the hate they get from making 'bad' calls, that they really go out there and purposely make 'bad' calls? (Back to what you said about not caring who wins the match. Well, do you think the refs care about who wins enough to make bad calls repeatedly against one team over another?)

Just because you see a few refs that make bad calls doesn't mean they're all bad and it certainly doesn't mean the quality of the reffing has dropped any over the years. It's all a matter of relativity; ten years ago the sport may have involved less player-to-player contact, thus less calls made by refs and now, ten years later, the sport may involve more contact meaning more calls. That doesn't mean the refs have gotten any more strict or just starting making bad calls.

But that's simply my opinion. I think the ref's are out there trying to make the game a good, clean one for everyone. Nobody's perfect so when I see them make a call I don't like, I just let it go because nothing I can do will change the call.