Every comment has valid claims.

Bad calls - sure there will be bad calls, no one is perfect; and as always those on the field have a better view than those in the stands; and those on the field who aren't refs most likely aren't objective. Also, consider that the sport has grown tremendously in the last decade. New referees have been required which means there are many who don't yet have a lot of experience.

On the other side, I have seen very good players who have made mistakes, some times horrible mistakes, it happens. That doesn't mean they aren't making the effort or should be benched or be subjected to abuse by the fans, or referees.

I've been to club games and seen evaluators so I know they are out there. Most likely they will be at games with less experienced officials. One in particular provided detailed explanation for questions I had about rules and interpretation of play on the field. If you happen to stand around the officiating team after games you even hear them asking their peers how their performance went, asking about specific calls they made, or hadn't made. And surprise, if you are civil to them, they'll even talk to you about the game and explain how they saw the action and why they made a certain call.

Definitely each ref has his own style, which sometimes may, I don't know with any certainty, be directed by the center/head ref. I sat next to a friend at the state HS championships last year who happens to be a coach and a referee. With each team of referees for each game he would tell me the particular styles of the officials, whether they called everything or let them play, that sort of thing. He was right on with his familiarity of the officials.

I even gained a greater respect for them from another 'fan' sitting about 10 feet away. This man screamed at the referees the entire game, questioning and criticizing every call made, so much in fact that you had no idea what team he was supporting. When he started yelling at the players, well....I just hope I never get like that.