The line about getting paid to make calls is indeed correct...I'd like to believe, though, that most referees aren't so indifferent about whether the calls they make are indeed the right ones. There is no other single person on the field who has as much individual influence on the outcome of a game as a referee, and I think it's a role most officials take seriously. Of course, referees are individuals, after all, and they tend to vary as any selection of individuals would.

That said, the type of officiating is just one of many uncontrollable variables that can affect any given game, just like the weather, injuries, illness, or your starting keeper taking a family trip to Colorado on a game night. One of the first things I try to teach my players is to keep their heads and play their best game no matter how the calls are coming (or not coming), and for heaven's sake, don't stop what you're doing and wait for what YOU think should be an obvious call.

Maybe one day soccer matches will be officiated by computerized cyber-officials who are all programmed to agree completely on when a player is offsides, when to call the foul or play advantage, and where the line is between going hard for the ball and "persistent infringement." (Those last two, I'll admit, are pet peeves of mine...) But until then, I actually appreciate shaking the hands of the officials before a game and knowing that, the vast majority of the time, there are human beings out there on the field who may not be any more perfect than the rest of us, but are doing their best to make sure everyone gets the fair shake they need to make the game worth playing. For all of you out there who fit that description, thanks...your efforts are appreciated.