Beating a team 20-0 when they are playing with 10 players and later, an injured goalie, when WHHS was playing with 11 players, is not about respect. YOU HAVE TO EARN THAT, NOT DEMAND IT. It is about boosting your own ego and padding individual statistics, why else write who scored how many on a bulletin board? There is a time when shots should no longer be taken from inside the 18-yard box or should the goalie be dribbled in on. I suppose it depends on the team for when that time is. As for the "good" teams mentioned, don't try and compare the Jasper score to their scores. Remember where, or read back and see where this line of discussion started. A WHHS player called the game a blow out. Check and see how many "starters" started the second half, because it was a "blow out" then. This was a perfect opportunity to get alot of playing experience for the second string, something they get very little of. It is bad to try and make up for short comings against stronger teams by beating up on weaker ones. If it happens, it should not be "crowed" about. Take the win and move on. Don't use it for defense later.