In a resounding voice tonight the Wando Lady Warriors convincingly reasserted their claim on the number 3 spot in the 4A poll by defeating the #11 James Island Lady Trojans 4-0. Beyond the first 20 minutes of the first half Wando consistantly out hustled JI, winning the vast majority of balls in the air and the 50-50 balls. Half time saw the Warriors up 1-0. The maturity of the Wando offense resulted in two well executed crossing goals in the second half and a number of other threatening well organized attacks. Carolyn Cooper, JI goalie, despite giving up 4 goals, played an exellent game and kept the rout from being worse than it was. The athletic defensive play of JI sophomore Marissa Terry should also be praised. Wando scored early in the second half and again with about 12 minutes left. Both goals were well executed high quality shots. The Wando defense was able to contain Kelly Gosnell and prevent effective penetration by JI for the most part. JI's passing was not up to its usual standard and the team suffered as a result. The final goal was a pk on a red card penalty in the box when JI defender Ashley Mack was called for tripping with about 20 seconds left in the game.

Congratulations to Wando in this deserved victory. JI will hope to see you again in the playoffs.