dreher 4-3 airport

i didnt make it out to the game so im recounting it as it was told to me the best i can remember:

airport was up 2-0 at half, in the second half dreher got two pks and ellison sharpe the standout sophomore converted both. kistler ulmer put in another one very late for dreher to go up 3-2 appearing to have pulled off the come back, but alas they conceded an equalizer quickly. but with time winding down dreher won a corner and susu kassel lined up to serve it in, jesse ulmer said "susu you dont take corners" and susu said "get outta my way!" and served up a ball that speedster brittany rush flicked in for the game winner. exciting game and big win for the lady blue.

and from what i hear #12 for airport is quite dirty. she constantly fouled lindsay reynolds who held her own despite the repeated pushes and even a thrown punch. lindsay is a beast.