William Aiken...

I'm sure you didn't stop to think about the effects comments like that have on struggling teams before you popped off with, "hey, check out how bad these guys have been getting beat," or "That'll teach them to try out." Maybe you've never had to work to build something from the bottom up. But spotlighting someone else's misfortunes seems in bad taste.

I don't know anything about Lake City, but I do know that precious few Goose Creek girls DID try out this year; that's a big part of the problem. I've seen them have to play with 10 on the field, but those 10 played their hearts out and their tails off. I for one would hate to see their program go under for lack of participation; I'm sure they'd thank you for encouraging them to come back out next year, or for other athletes to join and support the program.

As for the lopsided wins...I've coached on both sides of 18-0 games. To tell you the truth, for me, being on the winning side of that didn't feel much better than being on the losing side. But, to each his own.