I agree that running up the score is cheap. Scoring goal after goal even after the 10-0 mark doesn't make a team better. (as in it doesn't improve their skill) I'm all for putting in subs or telling the offense to only score on headers-I've seen the Chapin girls do this. Only scoring on crosses and only outside of the 18 also work well. These "rules" make it more challenging for the offensive players and I believe more fun and gratifying. You could also move offensive players into the defense and vise versa. If a player continues to score the same way over and over the game gets boring.

Also I feel that if a Coach teaches his/her players to "show no mercy" it reflects badly, not only on the team and coach, but on the school they are representing as well! I could never have respect for a bunch of spoiled-brat-sore-winners. Running up the score is like shoving the score board in the other teams face...really it sometimes gets childish.

coach j, I don't think you have it totally right. I don't think we're saying make the 2nd string follow rules. Its more like put in 2nd string or challenge the starters with more difficult ways to score goals...not both at the same time. Now if your 2nd string is good enough to keep getting more goals then you could try the "rules."
Anyway I think that's what everyone was suggesting.