Our JV middle schoolers are not club players. Hopefully, once we get them involved in JV, we then try to get them involved in club soccer.

It varies from community to community, but we use our JV (particularly with middle schoolers) to hook them on soccer. In other areas, the kids grow up through the club and evolve to JV at the HS level.

Our HS coaches are also club coaches, so it makes more sense for the kids to play JV where they can play/train five days a week rather than just 4-5 hours per week. It's also good that they get to play against older, bigger, stronger, faster players as many of our kids have to be ready for the varsity level by 9th/10th grade.

We really emphasize the HS aspect and hopefully make it "desirable" for the kids to aspire to play for the HS team.