You guys are missing the point. The law is the law. It makes no distinction between jv and varsity or U-14 and U-15 for that matter. It does clearly say that club coaches and parents should agree in writing not to conflict with league games and practices. PERIOD. I wonder how many club coaches/parents have provided the required letter. Mine have.
Mr. Pietras, it is clear that during HS seasons, if conflicts arise the HS is to take precedence. I quoted from the law in my previous post. This is not to say HS coaches can NOT allow some levity.
Lowerstate4A, if a conflict arose it would be simple to resolve, by law, not because it is HS season, but because the law is very clear. My players understand that. They have organized weekend club practices. Everyone is cooperating with each other and the law. It is working quite well. As far as I know there have been no problems.