Christian, this is not a personal thing against CSC, only my too passionate thoughts! I apologize. My comments are not against CSC, yet they are made in support of attaining a strong, competitive, but representative soccer club through development of one central club. Yet, it will take a long time for CSC to grow into a soccer power. My opinion was that by having one central club, you would have a more representative Cola. community soccer club. It will take a long time before NECSA/CRSA players/coaches decide to 'walk on over (en masse) to Ballentine to play.' I know that I am out here on my own with this merger/consolidation business, but I still believe that a merger now of combined efforts will better serve the Cola. soccer community in the years ahead. NECSA,CRSA,LSC are strong, vibrate, involved clubs now. They will not remain so. A merger now with CSC would combine strong coaching and exceptional organization and involved parents. Since it will obviously not occur, the forecast will be that CRSA, NECSA will slowly cease to produce competitive teams, as it loses players/coaches to CSC. They will become on par with LSC, which may be acceptable to some. Yet, I wish CSC well in its endeavor to do it alone. Just don't beat us smaller clubs up too badly on your way to the top.