
Welcome to the "conversation". I think your analysis is exactly correct.

I believe many, many families fall into the category of folks who really only want "rec-plus" soccer. Families are pulled in so many directions these days. Many just can't commit the time and resources to a truly competative soccer situation. Doesn't mean that they don't care about soccer or care about the quality of their child's team, just that it is not at the very top of their priority list.

Just as some very talented recreational players who COULD play on a classic team, CHOOSE not to, I think there will be many players who COULD play for CSC but will choose not to.

The reasons why players choose not to play for a more competative team include convenience; where their friends play; or some dislike for the competative team's club, coach, etc. There are lots of reasons why very good players might choose to continue playing at clubs other than the most competative. And that is ok.

Same reasons why the soccer landscape is so fluid. Takes very little for a player or group of players to change teams, change clubs, form new clubs, etc.

In general, a case can be made that more clubs is better for soccer as a whole. The more clubs there are, the more chance for parents to shape the club to meet their specific needs.

All of this having been said, I am still willing to talk about a merger or formation of a new club. A new club that fields ONLY challenge cup teams, leaving existing clubs to handle recreation and classic cup teams (basically "rec-plus" could have some advantages if the details could be worked out.