Good post Shibumi. The point I made about NECSA/CRSA becoming very average clubs, was made for 2 reasons: 1)CRSA has no young teams at all and therefore, no ongoing development of players. 2)NECSA has average,younger teams, but when the best players begin to migrate towards CSC, then the talent level will slowly drop off. It will be very difficult to compete with CSC with its superior resources and mission to produce the best teams throughout all age groups. When you are able to provide exceptional training and instruction from U-10 on up, then naturally you will produce the best teams as the players advance in your program. I would rather see the combination of efforts now, so as to avoid the slow demise of talent in NECSA/CRSA. By sharing resources, talented coaches, fields, organizational skills now, a more unified and focused soccer program for Columbia will result.