Shearer--- You had toooooo much of the brown ale!!!!!!!!!! Can you not comprehend any of the posts? These are called ideas........ thoughts.... The brown ale must have your mind as muddied as a southern soccer field in March...
There have been many attempts here to pursuade or conjole the local associations to get off their respective a$$e$, and come to terms with the future of soccer in the area....and the only one that appears to have stepped forward is CSC. So the answer to your question right now is--CSC.
I only would like to see all clubs unite... LSC,CRSA,NECSA, that we could compete at all levels and age groups with St. Giles & GFC.
It will take a while for CSC to accomplish that alone, but I feel they are on the right track. By becoming a truly competitive soccer program in the state and region, we (Cola.) would make soccer stronger statewide---GFC and St. Giles would be better programs as well, as a result of our mutual competitiveness.... But no one, except CSC, has made an attempt to attain this competitive status.
No more on this topic for thoughts are having no impact and my massive brain needs some rest..........