I'm from CFC and I am hardly ashamed. Quite the opposite. CFC has not folded. The goal of CFC from the beginning was to unify soccer in the midlands. It is now coming together with CSC to do just that. CSC and CFC are now working together for the benefit of players.

All of those parents, board members and coaches who are involved in girls and boys soccer need to ask themselves: Am I making decisions about my club based on what's best for all players or just my player(s)? I think it's especially important for any new girls clubs to ask that question. For soccer to improve here, we need to work together. There are many talented players out there. Unfortunately many of our teams are made up of maybe 7-8 strong players. If all of the clubs came together, the soccer needs of all levels of soccer would be met and teams would be made up of 15 comparably skilled soccer players. Soccer in the midlands would be much more competitive than it is now.

As for starting a soccer club without facilities, I say WOW. That's remarkable that the coaches that started CarolinaFC believed in their principals and goals so strongly that they would do that. CFC is made up of coaches who coach for the love of the game and their dedication to the players. The parents have embraced the philosphy because and are willing to be nomads if it means getting the best training for their players.