Ok this is going no where the debate over the better clubs and the coaches. In my experience every coach thinks he better then every other coach. And at the same time one child will like a coach while another child won’t. So there is no point in arguing over the coaches because in each eyes they are the best.

As far as clubs go each club serves it’s own purpose. I think it is great that CFC and CSC are merging. That brings back all the girls teams that CSC had. I know the clubs in Columbia and I will say this about them. They each have separate goals they are trying to obtain. CFC and NECSA trying to be the biggest and the badest. CRSA is trying to be available to give the BC and Dreher players a place to play while becoming better for the high schools. And the Lexington Clubs while they had struggled in the past are becoming a little force. The boys have competitive State levels teams and have organized very well. And the girls Have just recently reorganized and are rebuilding what years of being held back has caused (they will surprise some people). The mission of the girls and boys club has been to service the Lexington area players that want to advance in soccer. And that has been done rather well. So it isn’t one club that is better then others it is different clubs serving purposes that they have had all along.

I think that the CFC Idea was a good one just carried out wrong and tried to be forced down on everyone. I would love to see one club that had the region level teams for u-14 and above. But the better clubs wont exist with out the other clubs producing knowledgeable players. This is because we know what the rec programs give us and that is less then desirable.

I also applaud the clubs that aren’t joining into this club bashing. So for all the lex clubs and necsa thank you.