soccerparent3/CoachP: Thank you for responding to this; I think it’s incredibly helpful to talk about specifics with people involved in a club with a very aggressive mission/goal.

Could you elaborate on "whether a full merger does occur"? Is the CSC/CFC "merger" simply a field sharing agreement now and you folks are in discussions for a more comprehensive merger later? If not, what's going on? And if so, what would a more comprehensive merger entail?

With regard to younger girls, I can give you an anecdotal experience. My daughter was once stranded; she played for a team that was very successful one year under one coach and situation, and then very unsuccessful the next six months under another coach and situation, and then within the space of a week almost all of the parents and players decided to play JV instead. My daughter was too young for JV (she was playing up) and therefore had to find a team or sit out. She loves soccer (it's the only sport she will consent to playing) and wanted to play for the best team she could find, and because of our beliefs we told her we'd drive her anywhere she wanted within the area. We did not pay any attention to clubs; instead, we looked at the various teams, talked to parents, looked at won/loss records (both absolute and improvement over time), looked at players, looked at tournaments, looked at coaches, and ended up with a non-CFC team. Now, I can tell you that given missions/goals, I thought going in we'd end up in CFC, but we ended up with another team.

What's the moral of this? For some niche of players, perhaps a very small niche but at least some group, the most important thing is the coaching and the results and not the driving distance. I’m hoping that CSC/CFC teams can achieve those results; that’s why I’m so interested in understanding the details of the two teams working together.