I fall into a.foley's camp here. Greenville has two historically significant and strong clubs. Why consolidate into one? Why do away with the character and tradition of two clubs in order to produce a superclub? Would the GFC 85 Boys team be a better team for such a merger? Don't the best players (at least at driving age and beyond) already auto select the stronger of the two clubs and migrate to it? And don't forget the lesson of business "mergers" -- there are no mergers. The stronger business always assimilates the weaker and its culture prevails at the other's expense, no matter what the press clips say.


ps: I remain, probably, the least well informed person on this board to pass judgement on a GFC - St. Giles merger, and, to be honest, don't actually care what my piedmont comrades decide to do with their clubs.

pps: "reductio ad absurdium" ... I like that.