Dexter --

You must know you cut me to the quick with your above post. And I don't refer to your perfidious innuendo about me and a.foley sharing the same bed -- we've never even met, though out names are stangely similar... No, I refer to your perfunctory dismissal of my Syntax and Vocabulary topic found elsewhere on this board but seldom visited. I had certain limited hopes when I started it that have not been fulfilled. My vision was a sort of virtual "parking lot" that two disagreeing posters could meet in to hash out differences in their understanding or interpretations of words and sentence structure. This way such discussions could be moved out of their cluttering positions on the the other various boards and centralized in the Syntax and Vocabulary arena. I'd hope to read comments such as "Meet me on the Syntax and Vocabulary board you dimwit and I'll teach you a thing or two about infer and imply!" Unfortunately this fertile ground has lain fallow, abandoned like a Dennis Kucinik bumpersticker. You rub salt in my wounds to bring it up here. So there.
