I will try not be to a hypocrite ( since I do advocate that LowCountry area do something about consolidation of clubs) but everyone should be aware that the effect of this trend can easily be seen in the public schools and its effect on player participation. If you have a mega 4A school like Dorman, Wando, Summerville, West Ashley , etc. there a finite # of spots available on the varsity of any sport. Sure, you have opportunity for a real good varsity but there are dozens of qualified kids who will not get opportunity to play. Sure there is intrumurals and rec but we all know the development and intrinsic rewards are just not the same. Not just talking about soccer but all sports and all genders.
Instead of 1 2,500 student body producing 1 varsity team - what if there were 2 1,250 student body schools producing 2 varsity team that perhaps would even be playing each other. College coaches/recruiters would see twice as many prospects this way.
Bring this back to club soccer and same applies. Problem is (and applies to high school sports too) is that unless everyone does it, then the teams(schools) who do not adopt this philosophy(and go the mega route) will win the titles and get the publicity, etc.
How does this get resolved? As a conservative, anti-regulation, free market espousing, entrepeneur I unfortunately can not endorse regulations/laws but I do not have a solution. So what good am I? A lot of people keep asking me that...