Mark Campbell,

I respect your opinion and views on this board, but really think you have flipped your lid when you quote that, "At one point there was a girl flying in each weekend from California to play on a team."

Are you serious? Is she? Are her parents?

That's simply ludicrous in my opinion!

Being dedicated is one thing, but being addicted is another. Her parents could have paid a semester's tuition to a state school with five round-trip flights!

I highly doubt that the player or team will develop that much on these training sessions. Unless money is of no option and a care-free attitude persists this is a simple waste!

For so long I've watched my children grow up in a predominantly socio-economic decent level, but now only wonder if their Mother and I have cheated them of the particulars of real life. I hope not, but this kind of social separation is not what I want in club soccer!